(Physical) Shipment 3 Arrived at the Heart Institute in Kyiv

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 Arlene Campbell Humanitarian Foundation is pleased to announce our third shipment of humanitarian aid to the State Institution Ukrainian Health Ministry Heart Institute Інститут серця МОЗ України in Kyiv, Ukraine, with transportation paid for by UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief and provided by AEC Parcel Service. We are grateful to Ohio Health for providing these medical supplies for donation. This shipment weighed 17,706 pounds and has an approximate value of $332k for customs purposes. We are grateful to work with Dr. Vitaly Demyanchuk and his hospital. Altogether these 3 shipments combined have an approximate value for customs purposes of $935k and weighed over 47,000 pounds.


(Physical) Shipment 4 Arrived at the Heart Institute in Kyiv


(Physical) First Shipment of 2022 Arrived at the Heart Institute of Kyiv