Russians Commit War Crimes: News From The Heart Institute

Linked below is an article with video from Inter a Ukrainian news source. This article discusses patient stories, telling of the heroic work of the State Institution Ukrainian Health Ministry Heart Institute in Kyiv, Ukraine. This is the central hospital that the Arlene Campbell Humanitarian Foundation sends aid to in Ukraine. Please click on the below link for the story:

Russians commit medical crimes and ignore people with special needs: report from the Heart Institute

Since the above link is in Ukrainian, here is an English translation of the article:

Organs for transplantation are taken by surgeons from people who agree to become posthumous donors. Timely reception of expensive medicines or stable operation of medical equipment - people whose lives depend on these two factors, and in Ukraine - thousands. Not only a supply interruption, but even a simple lack of electricity can be fatal for some of them. So, for example, getting into the occupation for them is equivalent to a death sentence, and evacuation is accompanied by huge risks. The stories of such patients and the medical crimes of the Russians, who, shelling the cities, do not pay attention to people with special needs, in our story from the Heart Institute. Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: I walked with a mechanical heart for a year and a half, I felt good, I even worked, did household chores... A year and a half ago, the heart of Kyiv native Mykola Medvedev stopped performing its functions. Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: A human heart emits 70 discharges, mine had 16. These legs hardly walk... The surgeons increased the functional capabilities of the heart by installing a device called a "mechanical heart". Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute:

A mechanical heart is a pump installed in the left ventricle of the heart that pumps blood. The operation returned Mykola to a full life. The man learned to live with batteries in his pocket. They should always be with you and charged every 8 hours. Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: It's very difficult to get used to, after all, you have to carry a handbag with batteries in it. But in the first days of the full-scale war, Mykola decided to evacuate from Kyiv to a nearby village. As a result, he fell into a deadly trap! Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: I went from Kyiv to the village of Stoyanka and fell into the occupation - they blew up a bridge here and there. This is Bucha. Kyiv is here. Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: There is no electricity, no gas, no water, and without electricity the mechanical heart does not work. If the battery dies, instant death occurs. Mykola recalls that a miracle saved him from imminent death. One of the locals found an autonomous electricity generator. Mykola Medvedev, a patient at the Heart Institute: And we charged these batteries through a generator. Well, that's how they survived in this parking lot. A gift of fate came out - these are such things. A few weeks ago, Mykola underwent another operation at the Heart Institute. Instead of a "mechanical heart", which can only be used for a certain period of time, he was transplanted with a heart from a deceased person. Boris Todurov, general director of the Heart Institute: In the last hour before the war, we did 20 heart transplants... We have to preserve all our achievements so that nothing goes wrong with us, so during the war we did 5 heart transplants and everything was successful. We have five patients under observation... One of the patients is my countryman, from Mariupol. Vladyslav Sereda previously worked as a docker at the Mariupol port. But due to a serious heart disease, he had to leave the profession. And I had to leave Mariupol. He moved to Kyiv shortly before the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russians. -They decided to put the patient in the first class of emergency, such patients need a heart transplant sooner. And we waited for several months until we waited for the heart. Boris Todurov does not call what the Russian invaders are doing on our land anything else than genocide. After all, thousands of people remain in the occupied settlements, bedridden, moving on wheelchairs, in need of urgent operations and procedures. But the Russians don't care about that. Boris Todurov, general director of the Heart Institute: It feels like we are living in some kind of Middle Ages, a real genocide. Until now, hundreds of dead people are found in the basements, no one finds the bodies, they simply bury the remains of people with an excavator - that's what is happening there today.

Borys Todurov and his colleagues recently visited front-line clinics in Kharkiv. Humanitarian aid was brought to medics working under shelling. And from there they took a wounded patient who needs an urgent transplant. Boris Todurov, general director of the Heart Institute: We make several trips every week. We examine patients on the spot and those who need our auxiliary surgeon, we take... Organs for transplantation are taken by surgeons from people who agree to become posthumous donors. Everything - according to the law on transplantation, which was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada 3 years ago. Boris Todurov, general director of the Heart Institute: Various inventions, people's fantasies about the fact that organs can be taken from people who died at the front... this is not even discussed. All the transplants we do are civilian people who die as a result of strokes, as a rule, 90%, some people die from injuries - car injuries or falls from a height. In Ukraine - everything is only on legal grounds, emphasizes the doctor. Even when we are attacked by a hostile crowd that despises the elementary principles of humanism.

2022-07-29 07:36:32
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