Shipment 5 Arrived to the Heart Institute in Kyiv

Arlene Campbell Humanitarian Foundation is so thankful for our generous donors and the generosity of UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief’s donors that allowed us to report the delivery of the 5th shipment of 2022 of medical supplies and equipment to the State Institution Ukrainian Health Ministry Heart Institute Інститут серця МОЗ України. This shipment of medical supplies and equipment was donated from OhioHealth and was transported by AEC Parcel Service. This shipment weighed over 23,000 pounds and is valued at over 227k for approximate customs purposes.


ACHF Delivers 1yr. Supply of Prescription Baby Formula Delivered to Cardiac NICU in Kyiv


Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 2’s Burn Clinic Given Medical Supplies